My name garret (Note: this is not my name irl). As you see (on my profile), I'm an Indonesian. I'm a university student. Sometimes, at the weekend, I spend a lot of time to play video games and watch anime, because i'm a weebs.
I knew this site ("XtGem") since a long time ago. Since in Junior High School, or years before it -- I dunno, forgot. It is very well known and popular in many people. Not surprisingly, many friends and even my uncle use the services of this site for a lot of things.
I use XtGem to create a web site for a Mobile Friendly. In addition it is also my practice in web design.
Fun fact: This my first time I signed up to XtGem. It was 2 days ago. Odd, isn't?
That's it.
garett Welcome!
Just an fyi, XtGem is the major factor of my involvement in server side scripting, which is PHP!

Not only php, it even improved my english drastically!
i will never forget my roots of web development, which is XtGem
garett Cant You Speak Indonesia....?
Welcome! I life in Indonesia.
MASALLEMBO? Segitunya Orang Indonesia