* Vivo thanks all :D its work http://sharepedia.xtgem.com
2016-10-26 12:08 · (1)
* Mwebvendor * Graham Its interesting.. but i dont use filelist... in using xtblog..
2016-10-26 02:00 · (-1)
* Graham * Vivo in my script you add this
var $spc=call chr $val=32
var $linktext=call str_replace $subject=$linktext;$search=_;$replace=$spc

var $path= <xt:url type="path" />/
var $offset=0
var $len=call strlen $val=$path
var $button_class= xt_button  xt_text small
var $button_style= padding:0 1px !important;margin:01px !important
print <a href="/"><span class="$button_class" style="$button_style">home</span></a>
var $strt = call strpos $haystack=$path;$needle=/;$offset=$offset
var $end= call strpos $haystack=$path;$needle=/;$offset=($strt+1)
var $link=call substr $val=$path;$start=0;$length=$end
var $linktext=call substr $val=$path;$start=($strt+1);$length=($end-$strt-1)

var $spc=call chr $val=32
var $linktext=call str_replace $subject=$linktext;$search=_;$replace=$spc

if $linktext == index 
goto @end
/* LINKS */
print  <span class="$button_class" style="$button_style">&raquo;</span><a href="$link"><span class="$button_class" style="$button_style">$linktext</span></a>
var $offset=($strt+1)
if  $end < ($len-1)
goto @loop
/* END */

Copy code
2016-10-25 23:48 (edited 2016-10-25 23:50 by Graham ) · (1)
* Vivo * aliefr Xtgem membet biasa kg supory php sob
2016-10-25 19:29 · (0)
* Vivo * Graham How to replace "_" to space " " ??

Home>blog>karena because selalu usually

Thanks for reply
2016-10-25 19:28 (edited 2016-10-25 19:29 by Vivo ) · (0)
* aliefr hay guys, aku mau tanya, cara membuat web xtgem berbasih php gmana yah
2016-07-28 09:31 · (0)
* Graham * pichu You can use
href="http://<xt:url type="domain" />"
to make the code generic for any xtgem site
That should also then work for parked domains as well
My version (without external script calls or 'index' links) http://ggnnww.yn.lt/path/to/page/
2016-05-13 01:06 (edited 2016-05-13 01:14 by Graham ) · (1)
* pichu * Mywapmaster edit YourSite.Com =>> Your Site
2016-05-12 04:05 · (0)
* Mywapmaster * pichu Richsnippet not valid :(
2016-05-11 18:45 · (0)
* Vivo * pichu Thanks :D
2016-04-09 19:40 · (0)

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