* bemethavinci * Graham i just use the vincey as the logo name...thats all...
2017-02-15 20:00 · (0)
* Graham * bemethavinci it all depends on how you want to show the blog what markup you want on the page and what you want to be part of the blog function
My blog twig files at http://baretest.xtgem.com/templates/Blog have all the bootstrap markup already in them for a two column output (single on mobiles under 768px) all the function needs is a <div class="container-fluid"> wrapper
A complete page (without the fancy 'related' posts feature xtscript) for my twig can be as simple as
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<div data-xtcontainer="container" class="container-fluid">

Copy code
2017-02-15 16:36 (edited 2017-02-15 16:39 by Graham ) · (0)
* Graham * bemethavinci ok so do you have a image file just called 'VINCEY' and where is it ? if it is in your main root then the address would be /VINCEY and has the file got no extension? and is it named in all uppercase
2017-02-15 16:18 · (0)
* bemethavinci * Graham are you tryinq to say i can design the blog with jus twiging it?...if yes,how do i start and end it using bootstrap markup.
2017-02-15 13:55 · (0)
* bemethavinci * Graham here is the code.

<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
 <div class="container-fluid">
 <div class="navbar-header">
 <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img class="pull-
left" src="VINCEY" alt="VINCEY" /></a>
 </div> <ul id="" class="nav nav-tabs xt_navigation">
 <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
 <li><a href="/Blog">Blog</a></li>
 <li><a href="/forum">Forum</a></li>
 </div> </nav>
2017-02-15 13:49 · (0)
* Graham * bemethavinci The other choice is to not bother with the twig at all and define your own versions of the xtgem classes used in the standard blog
or just work within the existing twig and just change the classes and maybe add a few extra <div> wrappers to fit the bootstrap markup
2017-02-15 11:59 · (0)
* Graham * bemethavinci Ok where is the code you are using !
2017-02-15 11:51 · (0)
* bemethavinci * bemethavinci good day sir graham...i need you help,i tried to add icon to my header navbar but its not workinq...please help me out.
2017-02-15 11:26 · (0)
* bemethavinci * Graham waw...thank you so much sir,learninq is indeed continous...and i believe nothinq is impossible to do...and i would say i wont give up on this...all i jus need is total concertrate...but everythinq wont be easy...but where do you suggest i should start from?...because this twiginq is confusinq...is there no other way
2017-02-14 21:18 · (0)
* Graham * bemethavinci Twig is pretty complex and really the only way to learn is to dive in and use it I am far from being an expert
the structure is very much like php
Xtgem uses version 1.16 this is the documentation http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/1.x/templates.html
I use the documentation and google to find examples as the documentation is quite brief on most of the commands
you need to start off with simple changes on a test site and keep backups all the time as you will make mistakes
if you don't want to get into the actual twig code at first you can just change the simple html that is embedded in the the script
2017-02-14 20:25 (edited 2017-02-14 20:29 by Graham ) · (0)

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