* TECRIDIBLE * VOLThor6 if i am using two css 1st css is black, 2nd css is brown now h1{black} & h1{brown} now my page will show which h1????
2017-12-29 10:11 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * TECRIDIBLE You can perfectly declare as many CSS files as you want on the _headtags file. The styles will be applied only to pages in which you use each class for each page.

If that's not what you're looking for than you could declare your style inside the head tag of that particular file. (you must open the file using the code editor for this).
2017-12-29 09:54 · (0)
* TECRIDIBLE i need to use two css on same page if i am going to use two only on particular for example navigation one css, head one css and foot one css is that possible?

it must not affect other code working on different css
2017-12-29 09:42 (edited 2017-12-29 09:43 by TECRIDIBLE ) · (0)

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