* tiaxgame In <xt:blog entries_per_page="0" entries_sort="-1" version="2" display="5" tag="tag"/>



I want to 'delete' "?__xtblog_block_id=1"
When i 'play link1' then output as http://aiseo.wap.sh/blog/tag
2014-07-13 23:36 · (0)
* tiaxgame my main is: if 'have not' "?__xtblog_block_id=1" then 'xtblog' no show thread (comment)
2014-07-13 23:39 · (0)
* Graham * tiaxgame I did this for ah.sdq
you convert the data for the url into an array split at the ? and then use the first part as the url for the link
for the links in the post list
this creates the array
{% set url_no_query=entry.url|split('?') %}
then you use it like this
<a class="xt_blog_title_link" href="{{ url_no_query[0] }}">

you need to do the same for tag urls
2014-07-14 00:27 · (0)
* Graham But really the best thing to do with the post url is leave it alone
2014-07-14 00:32 · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham NO!
I mean, if no solution '?__xtblog_block_id=1'
article implement
relevant non-
2014-07-14 00:36 · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham i want url beautiful!
You see block 'Cùng chuyên mục' of 2 link:
I like url 2, but 'Cùng chuyên mục' error :(
2014-07-14 00:44 · (0)
* AH-SID * tiaxgame wow I like url 2 too, url ending with .html :)

{% set url_no_query=entry.url|split('?') %}
<a href="{{ url_no_query[0] }}.html">{{ entry.title }}</a>

I can do it in Xtblog.twig but not in Xtblog rss feed :(
2014-07-14 04:38 · (0)
* tiaxgame * AH-SID i know!
I know use 'twig'
But, if i use url 2, then, block 'Cùng chuyên mục' will error
2014-07-14 13:41 · (0)

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