* Graham * GuruzLord Ok first you should not use a div inside a anchor link you should use a span
what "style" do you want to add to the link ? does it still include a image do you want to set the image as a background ?
I need proper information about what exactly you want to achieve so I dont waste my time on the wrong code
2017-03-17 12:04 (edited 2017-03-17 12:05 by Graham ) · (0)
* GuruzLord * Graham no image just a text in a span style with a background color like this
<span style="background-color:orange">Admin</span>

<span style="background-color:orange">Mod</span>


<span style="background-color:orange">Mem</span>
2017-03-18 17:00 (edited 2017-03-18 17:05 by GuruzLord ) · (0)
* GuruzLord * Graham Sir
2017-03-18 22:14 · (0)
* Graham * GuruzLord I will have a look tomorrow
2017-03-18 22:57 · (0)
* GuruzLord * Graham Thanks in advance
2017-03-18 23:10 · (0)
* Graham * GuruzLord Well the first part could be like
var authors = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='/u/']");
var span= document.createElement("span");
span.setAttribute("style", "background-color:orange");

Copy code
The rest you should be able to work out from that
2017-03-19 08:13 · (0)
* GuruzLord * Graham thank u Sir
2017-03-19 22:05 · (0)
* ezed I need a help pls my people
2017-04-08 01:12 · (0)
* GuruzLord * Graham Sir I need some thing like this on my forum the icon and the dropdown menu
2017-04-11 08:47
* Screenshot_2017-04-11-09-42-57.png · image/png · 89.42KB
· (0)
* Graham * GuruzLord it uses w3css dropdowns https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_dropdowns.asp
with font-awsome to supply the 'carat' (down arrow) http://fontawesome.io/
you can also do the same with bootstrap
2017-04-11 09:34 · (0)

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