* TrungVS I want to remove it from the top, they must do?

Domain : 5kbs.xtgem.com . New domain name : MeGame.TOP

Pls help me!
2017-02-07 05:41
* image.jpeg · image/jpeg · 86.42KB
· (0)
* TrungVS * TrungVS #Graham pls help me
2017-02-07 06:05 · (0)
* Graham * TrungVS I have never seen any other parked domain cause this
it is the auth bar and it appears normal via the xtgem domain
so add <xt:auth skip="yes"> to _headtags _header or _footer
2017-02-07 09:15 · (0)
* TrungVS * Graham Thanks you so much
2017-02-07 13:34 · (0)

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