* Keyarn * Graham Thanks sir. Plz i also want you to tell me dis one. It is de menu button at de left of de forum header of this pagehttp://strikecoded.xtgem.com/forum
plz i wan to know if it is a javascript or made of xt getvariables
2017-02-16 20:20
* uc170216213956.png · image/png · 12.65KB
(edited 2017-02-16 20:41 by Keyarn ) · (0)
* Graham * Keyarn its probably get variables and a include using the get variable
something like this
<a href="?inc=this_file#">click me</a><xt:include file="/includes/{_$inc|default_file}"/>
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if you want to cycle through files put the links inside the included files (the link for 'this_file' would go in 'default_file') rather than on the main page so that clicking it loads the next one and so on
The same sort of action as the first javascript except it reloads the page and will work on any browser
Plus the included files can contain xt:script and xt:functions
example added to http://baretest.xtgem.com/button
2017-02-16 21:50 (edited 2017-02-16 23:33 by Graham ) · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham Plz i didnt get you am confused can you break down de explanation with xample?
2017-02-17 07:57 · (0)
* Keyarn * Keyarn Look at dis screenshot
2017-02-17 09:54
* img-20170217-wa0001.jpg · image/jpeg · 30.54KB
· (0)
* Graham * Keyarn The example is right there !
for the basics of what the original example is doing that's it
The link is like <a href="?inc=this_file#">click me</a> and then it includes the file further down the page
with <xt:include file="/includes/{_$inc|default_file}"/>
when the page loads 'default_file' is included
when the button is clicked 'this_file' is included

For the 'cycle' version the link <a href="?inc=this_file#">click me</a> is not on the page it's in the file being included
just change the value of $inc in the link in each file so that the next file can be included all you need on the actual page is the include
<xt:include file="/includes/{_$inc|default_file}"/>
so that the 'default-file' is included when the page loads

All the variable names and file names are arbitrary and just there to show the principal

the only other thing the is 'anchor navigation'
give any element a unique for example id="id_name"
then in the link add #id-name to the end of the url and the page scrolls to that element when the link is clicked
thats part of basic html
2017-02-17 10:46 (edited 2017-02-17 11:06 by Graham ) · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham Thanks but am still confused where am i to add the contents just like the last button @ http://baretest.xtgem.com/button xo that the content will load when clicked.
And here is what i did
<a href="?page={_$page|}#nice">click me</a><div class="{_$page|none}"><xt:include file="/desc/{_$page|default_file}"/></div>
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2017-02-17 22:51 · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham I created a folder named desc and creats some plain text inside it and then change the /includes to /desc but non of them show when clicked plz help me out
2017-02-18 06:32 · (0)
* Graham * Keyarn in my example the only code on the main page is
<xt:include file="/data/{_$inc|default_file}"/>
when the page is first loaded $inc is not set so 'default_file' is included
the contents of 'default_file' are
<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" href="?inc=lorem#">click me</a><br>
This is the content of the default file

The contents of 'lorem' are
<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" href="?inc=nullam#">click me</a><br>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin convallis nisi sed leo dignissim commodo...

The contents of 'nullam' are
<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" href="?inc=nunc#">click me</a><br>
Nullam a odio arcu. Sed quis fermentum velit, eu feugiat urna. Donec bibendum, nisl non scelerisque congue...

and so on .
Each file contains the link to load the next one
2017-02-18 14:53 · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham Plz sir i av dis script
(function(d,s,n,m,c,e){var g=d.querySelectorAll("body>div,div.post,[id='post'],div.keyarn,div.post-container,div.product,div.full,div.zxfourborder,div.category,div.board,div.thread,.pagination,.pager,form,table[width='100%'],iframe"),l=g.length;d.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.maxWidth=screen.width "px";
for(i=0;i<11;i  ){var mac=d.createElement(c),mas=d.createElement(s),mal=d.createElement("a"),Img=d.createElement("img");mac.className=e;mas.src=n;mas.type=n;mal.href="http://click.buzzcity.net/click.php?partnerid=156488&nb=1";Img.src="http://show.buzzcity.net/show.php?partnerid=156488&get=image";Img.alt='<xt:include file="/wrk/AdQ/*" />';mal.appendChild(Img);mac.appendChild(mal);mac.appendChild(mas);
var j=(i 1)*<xt:random from="1" to="6" />;if(j>l){break;}

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and i wan to replace the buzzy city ads there to http://keyarn.xtgem.com/Ads.js and i also want to use it as image url if possible. But if not possible then help me use this one http://wap4dollar.com/ad/imgs/wap4dollar_banner_6.jpg plz i av try to do it my self but i cant
2017-02-19 12:47 · (0)
* Keyarn * Keyarn Sir plz help me out am still a newbies baze on any thing script
2017-02-19 18:51 · (0)

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