Graham okey sir, how can i advertise my website on xtgem
Chylin It mostly looks like misnested div's to me but it is not easy to follow see desktop_1 file also corrected some broken tags
Chylin sir reply please and check my desktop view, after the blog that its in the page, all the other codes are not fits to their nomal width, is there a css in the blog twig thats affecting the other codes, please help me review and fix it
Chylin hi bro, can i make a youtube grabber on xtgem like
Graham thanks, was it possible for me to create different types of blog list view for desktop
Chylin That is in the page options from the building tool
but you have to make sure the page is safe to open in the building tool
Chylin hello sir, please how can i make my header and footer file not showin in a page
Graham Ok give me xtgem blog relatedpost by tags code
Chylin That depends on what you change it to
basically all I did was move the wordpress theme css down the priority so it did not mess up the bootstrap containers removed the redundant bootstrap css links and wrapped your header and footer in bootstrap containers