* Graham * filmbokep To show a random post you need to add a blog function with the entries_per_page="500" or more so that there is NO pagination and the script can select a random entry from the whole list it will show a random post every time getting it to just change every hour could require a lot more code (if it is even possible)
Then in the twig file you can test for no paging to output the random post or show a normal blog if entries_per_page < than the total number of posts
The twig code for the entries list could look something like this

You can add the extra blog function for the random post above your normal one so it shows a random post and then the full list the second blog is shown with __xtblog_block_id=2 (now you know what that variable is for)
Here is a demo of the principle
2016-02-25 12:45 (edited 2016-02-25 13:13 by Graham ) · (0)

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