* tiaxgame functional
arrangement of the
theme of time
blogging so late in the
comment threads. as
2014-08-24 09:18 · (0)
* tiaxgame http://aiseo.wap.sh
I want update with time last of comments in blog, as a forum, @graham,
2014-08-24 09:21 · (0)
* Graham * tiaxgame For this rearrange the comment macro in the twig file something like
{% macro comments_list (comments, ctx) %}
                            {% for comment in comments %}
                                <div class="xt_blog_comment{% if comment.owner_of_comment %} xt_blog_comment_author_admin{% endif %}">
                                        <span class="xt_blog_comment_author">
                                        {% if comment.author_profile %}
                                            <a href="{{ comment.author_profile.link }}"><img src="{{ comment.author_profile.avatars[16] }}" style="display:inline">{{ comment.author_profile.name }}</a>
                                        {% else %}
                                            {{ comment.nick }}
                                        {% endif %}:
                                    </span><br />
                                     {% if comment.is_hidden %}
                                        <div class="xt_blog_comment_content">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_hidden_comment }}</div>
                                    {% else %}
                                        <div class="xt_blog_comment_content">{{ comment.message|raw }}</div>
                                    {% endif %}
                                    {% if not ( ctx.data.entry.in_comments_thread and comment.childs and (comment.childs_count > 0) ) %}
                                        <div class="xt_blog_comment_actions">
                                            <a href="{{ comment.reply_link }}" class="xt_blog_comment_action_reply">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_reply }}</a>
                                            {% if ctx.data.is_logged_in and not comment.is_hidden and not data.comments_form.is_maintenance %}
                                                {% if ctx.data.reported_spam and ctx.data.reported_spam == comment.id %}
                                                    <span class="xt_blog_comment_action_reported">{{ctx.data.translations.t_reported}}</span>
                                                {% else %}
                                                    <a href="{{ comment.spam_link }}" class="xt_blog_comment_action_report_spam">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_report_spam }}</a>
                                                {% endif %}
                                            {% elseif not ctx.data.is_logged_in and not comment.is_hidden and not data.comments_form.is_maintenance %}
                                                <a href="{{ comment.login_link }}" class="xt_blog_comment_action_report_spam">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_report_spam }}</a>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if not comment.childs and (comment.childs_count > 0) %}
                                                <a href="{{ comment.reply_link }}" class="xt_blog_comment_action_reply">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_show_replies }} ({{comment.childs_count}})</a>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if comment.show_more %}
                                                <a href="{{ comment.reply_link }}" class="xt_blog_comment_action_reply">{{ ctx.data.translations.t_show_all_replies }}</a>
                                            {% endif %}
                                    {% endif %}
<span class="xt_blog_comment_date">[{{ comment.date }}]</span>
                                    {% if comment.childs %}
                                        <div class="xt_reply" style="margin: 5px 6px;">
                                            {{ _self.comments_list(comment.childs, ctx) }}
                                    {% endif %}
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% endmacro %}

Copy code

Showing the time of the last comment in the post list will require Justas to create a new parameter like for the tags
2014-08-24 11:52 (edited 2014-08-24 12:05 by Graham ) · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham no, aiseo.wap.sh is my wap.
In {% block entries_list %}
Ex: i have 2 topic:
Topic1 post at 6h00
Topic2 post at 6h30
Now, output:
Then, i post a commdnt in topic1 at 6h45
I want output auto is:
2014-08-24 13:19 · (0)
* Graham * tiaxgame This was to answer your first post about the position of the time stamp in the comments (at least that is what I thought you were asking about)
like the tags the data about comment times is not available in the post list so that is up to justas adding the extra parameters
2014-08-24 14:40 · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham Sort by milestones
such as 1 comments
forum, post
comments on the
topic at page 2, the
theme is the theme
that will last. As I edit
the content so that it
is the latest
2014-08-24 22:53 · (0)

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