Graham And also, i hope the server will be stable and will run for a long time
bemethavinci Me too
All I actually know is their was a disagreement with the company that housed xtgems servers and they pulled the plug on us As soon as I know the official status I will let you know
Graham Ok, thank you sir Graham.
Povilas and Tadas are in the process of transferring files to the new service provider so please bear with us
I'm so glad xtgem is back after almost 2 months of waiting.. more power xtgem team...
onedc Nice return xtgem. thanks to those who worked for it.
Back to code academy now!!!
great... My mp3 files are safe... but all My blog article were gone.
Graham Good day sir Graham, please can you tell povilas to remove the recaptha that is been attached in the sign up area..he should remove it because of the new users of Xtgem using a low ended device to sign up because if they keep seeing that recaptha there, it will chase them please try to inform him about that and get it removed