* TechnoSparks Hello XtGem!

New year, new hopes. Sorry for being late but anyway happy new year (wow i am seriously late).
You see, I was gone all this while due to tight schedule. It is hell of a year last year, and this year might be far worse then yesteryear.
Anyhow, I manage to reschedule my life and allocate some of my time to browse this forum and re-contribute things.

There's a catch however; this year is the year which i will face a big exam of all time, so there will be times I will be unavailable.

It is quite saddening of me to actually leave XtGem withput myself noticing, the place where I start to learn PHP and finally can code my website with moderate-level of PHP. I am now in the path to native Java development. But still my enthusiasm on web developing is still blazing so I should not worry about myself.

Now a few announcement

The Device Redirection widget which is hosted on my web server will not work FOR NOW! This is due to my domain (greenwap.net) being expired. I might not able to renew it for now but trust me I will but probably next month (sorry, costs too high for a teen like me, and currency conversion makes matter worse!). Graham is free to delete the widget in the mean time if he likes. (HI Graham!)

The widget has been down for exactly 1 month now.

I will also will be using my free time to code something (maybe great for xtusers) for allowing them to back up their whole file system, pack it in a zip and download it. This script however will work only for premium members. I may also create a second version as well that anyone interested will need to buy it from me. Any purchase made will be used to fund my not-famous (and abandoned - sigh) GreenWap.

I also saw a news! Will be updating my News blog as soon as I got time.

Lastly, HI everyone! I am back! ;)
2015-01-21 05:42 · (1)
* Graham * TechnoSparks Yo dude
2015-01-21 16:52 · (0)
* mv * TechnoSparks Write me personal message, I would like to help you resolve this.
2015-01-22 02:53 · (0)

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