* TECRIDIBLE * VOLThor6 Bro i know all about i need have a blog so i need comment for individual pages, like and comment widget that can be modifieble xtcat widget i dont like because it won't work sometimes

like and dislike wiget has border i want to modufy my own style
2017-12-30 07:48 (edited 2017-12-30 07:49 by TECRIDIBLE ) · (0)
* VOLThor6 * TECRIDIBLE Some people tend to use the chat widget as a comment box you could try with that. Some use this site too HTML comment box.
And xtgem has its own like/dislike widget, get the code here: Widget
2017-12-30 06:08 · (0)
* TECRIDIBLE * VOLThor6 k thanks for help i need some scripts like comment box, comment box count, like & dislike widget is that posiible?
2017-12-30 05:13 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * TECRIDIBLE Ok I got it. Like I said on my first post, you could perfectly declare all those sheets on the _headtags the problem is if those sheets have the same selectors of course you are going to face wrong styles problems. The only solution in my opinion is to change or remove the selectors in conflict.
2017-12-30 04:40 · (0)
* TECRIDIBLE * VOLThor6 sorry bro my explanation is very simpler and confused thats why you dont get i think so..... thanks for helping
<link rel url.css>
here comes body of the post instead of adding css in the above header i need to add another different css here <link rel=url.css>
Here i want to use another css from different site

now i had clearly given an example above like this is it possible i want to use more than one css on my site. More css files must not overlay over other or affcet other ui how to use,,,, somewhere i had seen using of more than one css file but i didn't find it again
2017-12-29 18:14 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * TECRIDIBLE I'm sorry, I'm trying my best to help you and understand your problem but your explanation is difficult to understand. Maybe someone else can help you.
But since coding all about simplicity and efficiency, I would recommend you to use less CSS sheets in your project. That makes things easier. And if those files have conflict with each other you should reconsider a simpler solution.
2017-12-29 11:58 · (0)
* TECRIDIBLE * VOLThor6 no bro you didn't get what im saying i want to add navigation of my site (this is different css) and page content (2nd css outside) and 3rd footer different css (3rd css outside link) i dont want these to add ui header i may possibly confuse site if i want to one css on a particular body post of site is it possible
2017-12-29 11:41 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * TECRIDIBLE In that case only link the external CSS on the specific page that you want the styles to be loaded.
Like I said you must do it through the option "open in code editor" on the building tool. And then link the CSS file in the head of that page.
2017-12-29 11:03 · (0)
* TECRIDIBLE * VOLThor6 but i dont have css i am going to link outside css using link how to do it now?
2017-12-29 10:51 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * TECRIDIBLE Add a class to each H1. Like class="blackHeader" and the other class="brownHeader". The page will load the corresponding style for each header.

You can have both classes in a single Css file too.
2017-12-29 10:23 (edited 2017-12-29 10:24 by VOLThor6 ) · (0)

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