* snee how to split blog post to 5 pages with next and previous
2018-01-01 14:02 · (0)
* Graham * snee You add this special xtscript function in a code block above the blog function
# Paging function
function paging_template $url;$page;$active_page;$total_pages;
# Only one page so exit
if $total_pages == 1

# Paging container
if $page == 1
print <div class="custom_paging">

# Previous
if ($page+1) == $active_page
print <a href="$url">prev</a>

# Next
if ($page-1) == $active_page
print <a href="$url">next</a>

if $page == $total_pages
print </div>

Copy code
how many items per page is set in the blog function
2018-01-01 15:38 · (0)
* snee * Graham thanks for the code.but i need to add pagin function inside my post.i don't want to show full blog post in one page.
2018-01-02 10:56 · (0)
* Graham * snee the only ways I can think of is either javascript or if the blog is in xtscript you can just use the custom paging tags http://syntax.xtgem.com/manual/xtgem/default?func=paged_content
2018-01-02 12:45 · (0)
* snee * Graham i already try that code in the link it didnt work
2018-01-02 13:48 · (0)
* Graham * snee It does work if your blog is output via xtscript although that really requires a slightly custom twig just to protect $ and () in the blog posts and comments
2018-01-02 16:51 · (0)

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