please i need this site full blog type for my xtgem site, although the site is wordpress buh i really need your help with it's full design and blog please, thanks you.
This the site name,
Chylin your request will take much time just to design such blog! Well, all your need is the template of the site or better still, you can source code it and then design it to your taste...
bemethavinci i don't know how to design/code xtgem blog, please help me with it, thanks you
Chylin There are many xtgem default templates in file browser, and you need a tag every post to separate every post, example. If your post is related for music, you can add tag and named it music, if your post is video, add tag and named it as videos.
Chylin sorry, i dont have a pc nor a android phone to do such work for you, am using a symbian phone which will take much of my time in doing so!
Mwebvendor Hello old friend, your back to host your site via Xtgem? Or your just passing by?
bemethavinci please any help to render @bemethavinci