* Disaru I placed three file lists in one page, one on center page and two on sidebar.

The problem is, if I click the file list in center page to next page, so now the url has parameter has "__filelist_paging=2", the file list in the sidebar also changed to page 2.

Is there anyway so that the "__filelist_paging=2" url parameter Not affect the other file list in the sidebar? Thanks :D
2018-03-07 10:21 · (0)
* Graham * Disaru This is what I figured out
Basically The script reads the entire list into a xtscript variable and then paginates it
you should use the standard filelist for your largest folder as if the folders are over large you could get xtscript timeouts
I used a simple [prev] [next] type pagination for the scripts the pagination includes routines to include the page numbers of the other lists in the paging to preserve the page numbers of the other filelists
the examples are unstyled
You can set your own template but it must end with &lt;!--##--&gt; (<!--##-->) as this is used to mark the end of each item in the list
this is the first extra list script
var $list=<xt:filelist sort_type="name" sort_dir="asc" folder="/folder1" template="&lt;a href=&quot;.file_url.?__xt_download=1&amp;l=2&quot;&gt;.file_name_base_parsed.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;!--##--&gt;" per_page="0" />

var $per_page=5
get_or_default pgnmbr1;1
var $this_page=1
var $start=0
var $end=0
var $count=0
var $len=call strlen $val=$list

var $end=call strpos $haystack=$list; $needle=<!--##-->; $offset=($end+9) ;
if $end == ($len-9)
goto @end
var $count=($count+1)
if $count == $per_page
goto @next
goto @loop

if $this_page < $pgnmbr1
var $start=($end+9)
var $count=0
var $this_page=($this_page+1)
goto @loop

var $page = call substr $val=$list; $start=$start ; $length=($end-$start)
print $page

get __filelist_page
if $__filelist_page
var $flp=&__filelist_page=$__filelist_page
get pgnmbr2
if $pgnmbr2
var $pn2=&pgnmbr2=$pgnmbr2

if $pgnmbr1 >1
print <a href="?pgnmbr1=($pgnmbr1-1)$pn2$flp">prev </a>
print prev
if $end < ($len-9)
print <a href="?pgnmbr1=($pgnmbr1+1)$pn2$flp"> next</a>
print next

Copy code

And this is a script set up as the second extra list
var $list=<xt:filelist sort_type="name" sort_dir="asc" folder="/folder2" template="&lt;a href=&quot;.file_url.?__xt_download=1&amp;l=2&quot;&gt;.file_name_base_parsed.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;!--##--&gt;" per_page="0" />

var $per_page=5
get_or_default pgnmbr2;1
var $this_page=1
var $start=0
var $end=0
var $count=0
var $len=call strlen $val=$list

var $end=call strpos $haystack=$list; $needle=<!--##-->; $offset=($end+9) ;
if $end == ($len-9)
goto @end
var $count=($count+1)
if $count == $per_page
goto @next
goto @loop

if $this_page < $pgnmbr2
var $start=($end+9)
var $count=0
var $this_page=($this_page+1)
goto @loop

var $page = call substr $val=$list; $start=$start ; $length=($end-$start)
print $page

get __filelist_page
if $__filelist_page
var $flp=&__filelist_page=$__filelist_page
get pgnmbr1
if $pgnmbr1
var $pn1=&pgnmbr1=$pgnmbr1

if $pgnmbr2 >1
print <a href="?pgnmbr2=($pgnmbr2-1)$pn1$flp"> prev </a>
print prev
if $end < ($len-9)
print  <a href="?pgnmbr2=($pgnmbr2+1)$pn1$flp"> next</a>
print next

Copy code
the scripts should be kept separate to prevent the @markers from clashing
demo page http://banana.madpath.com/multilist
2018-03-11 19:55 (edited 2018-03-11 20:01 by Graham ) · (0)
* Disaru * Graham Yahoo! It work like a charm, Thank you very much :D

Can I ask one more thing ? thehe :D
Is there something wrong about this code:
  get __filelist_page
  if $__filelist_page
  print <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />;

Copy code

Remeber I said before about xtscript not working only on my homepage? I think the code is the culprit, when I delete it the xtscript on homepage working again?

What I want is to print meta robots no follow, when the url has __filelist_page= query ...
2018-03-12 08:17 · (0)
* Graham * Disaru I just tried it and the reason is no endif
without it the other xtscripts on the page timed out
also you should extend the script to allow for the other filelists
  get __filelist_page
  get pgnmbr1
  get pgnmbr2
  if $__filelist_page or $pgnmbr1 or $pgnmbr2
  print <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />;

Copy code
2018-03-12 09:02 (edited 2018-03-12 09:42 by Graham ) · (0)
* Disaru * Graham Thank you again :D
2018-03-14 01:24 · (0)

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