* Graham * kapilover08 I will do some tests later it may well be replacing the file with the download page html
2015-03-15 04:31 (edited 2015-03-15 04:32 by Graham ) · (0)
* Graham * kapilover08 Yes that is exactly what it is doing The video file gets replaced by the html of the landing page
I will ask about this tomorrow
2015-03-15 04:38 · (0)
* kapilover08 * Graham Thanks moder, I hope so it can fix it.
2015-03-15 05:00 · (0)
* Graham * kapilover08 Sorry but it seems that nothing can be done about it if you have the 5mb limit the only option is to use a normal download link and enable the download page media player
if you want to embed you have to use the 2mb limit :(
2015-03-15 23:54 · (0)
* kapilover08 * Graham Thanks moder. I understand that.
2015-03-16 00:40 · (0)

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