* Gagalsukses * Yudhi-Max masih error saja, udh kontak admin xtgem tp tdk di balas
2016-12-09 21:20 · (0)
* Mr_Thu Why
2016-12-09 23:15 · (0)
* Graham I have posted to the others to find out whats going on
That's all I can really do
2016-12-10 14:02 · (0)
* Thor * Graham Thanks, Sir. I'm waiting for good news. Till now still cant create new entry & file, even edit the old entry & file.
2016-12-11 06:17 (edited 2016-12-11 06:18 by Thor ) · (0)
* Linkgamedirect * Gagalsukses Masih error ya bro?
Kirain ane doang yg lg error
2016-12-11 16:43 · (0)
* Graham Povilas says the saving and creating folders errors should be fixed if you still get these errors let me know (try clearing cache and cookies first)
If you are using the touch template and are still getting errors try the mobile template
to switch templates
2016-12-12 06:55 (edited 2016-12-12 12:32 by Graham ) · (0)
* Thor * Graham I didn't do anything, but from morning look like my problem has solved. So hep :D
2016-12-16 23:01 · (0)

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