* Graham In the "social" blocks There is now a "chat" function
This is all the information I have at this time more to follow as I get it

Chat Translations
To translate the heading texts for the chat function first create a folder in your main file browser (root directory)
Then create a plain text file named xtchat
Copy this code to xtchat
login_or_signup_to_post=Please <a href="{a:1}">login</a> or <a href="{a:2}">signup</a> in order to chat
provide_community_name=Please provide community name
confirm_email_first=Please confirm your email before posting
enter_your_name=Enter your name
name_already_registered=This name is already registered!
posting_as=You are chatting as
message=Your message
refresh_every_x_seconds=Refresh every {a:1} seconds
refresh_every_x_minutes=Refresh every {a:1} minutes
set_refresh=Set refresh
please_enter_captcha=Please enter the text you can see on the image below
no_messages=There are no messages
view_user_profile=View {a:1} profile

Copy code

The format of the translations is: translation_key = translation_text // comment
Each translation must be on a separate line

If the xtchat file exists no default translations for chat will be loaded unless you delete this file.

Chat css (form only)

Currently the css can only be overridden by adding to your xtgem_template or global_stylesheet files and using !important to override the default css (hopefully this will change)
Here is the current css
/* Chat posting message container default font */

                font-family: sans-serif;
                font-size: small;

            /* Submit buttons (using default XtGem colors) */
            .xt_chat_write_a_message .xt_button
                -webkit-appearance: none;
                height: 28px;
                line-height: 28px;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0 4px;
                overflow: visible;
                font-size: 12px;
                font-weight: bold;
                text-align: center;
                vertical-align: top;
                white-space: nowrap;
                background-color: #86c219;
                color: #fff;
                border: 0;
                cursor: pointer;
                font-family: sans-serif;
                border-radius: 0;

            /* Text input and select */

            .xt_chat_write_a_message .xt_input input[type="text"], .xt_chat_write_a_message .xt_chat_controls select
                height: 24px;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                border-radius: 0;

                .xt_chat_write_a_message .xt_chat_controls select
                    margin-top: 5px;

            /* Default focus state */

            .xt_chat_write_a_message input:focus
                outline-width: 2px;

            /* Error message default look */

            .xt_chat_write_a_message .xt_chat_error
                display: inline-block;
                padding: 2px;
                margin-top: 5px;
                margin-bottom: 5px;
                font-size: 12px;
                text-align: left;
                background-color: #febebe;
                color: #930b0d;

            .xt_chat_write_a_message #xt_chat_captcha_holder
                margin: 0 0 5px 0;

Copy code
2014-06-12 19:00 (edited 2014-06-14 23:40 by Graham ) · (0)
* TechnoSparks * Graham Oh so this was what Mindaugas told me about! Lol. Is this a whole new personal chat script or rather an enhanced chatt's source?

OH MY GOD SORRY FOR THE MINUS I didnt really mean it. I could only blame my large finger and nyself that I did not zoom enough on my phone so that I could tap the + easier :(
2014-06-12 20:06 (edited 2014-06-12 20:08 by TechnoSparks ) · (1)
* Graham * TechnoSparks I would say it is a completely different script
the site owner can delete individual messages also it supports smilies but not bbcode and uses the same avatar and community name system as blog/guestbook/forum
The actual chat messages are in a iframe so styling is limited
It does not yet have banning or badwords
2014-06-12 21:00 (edited 2014-06-12 22:00 by Graham ) · (0)
* Mywapmaster * Graham good job thanks :D
2014-06-13 02:03 · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham i can't sent comment
2014-06-13 02:32 · (0)
* Graham * tiaxgame It seems that because you have xt auth disabled your users cannot log in to your chat
And the username filters will not let you use an existing registered user name
I will get Justas to check it out when he gets in
The behaviour is normal if xtauth is disabled you cannot log in therefore you cannot use a registered user name this is for anti spam/abuse protection
solution : enable xtauth
2014-06-13 07:45 (edited 2014-06-13 09:31 by Graham ) · (0)
* Graham The chat function also has a twig file http://syntax.xtgem.com/_xtgem_templates/xtchat.twig.js upload it by "remote server" to _xtgem_templates and then remove the .js extension
This is a rather complex script as it include javascript ajax and the css
2014-06-13 11:48 · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham i think, browser mobile can't sent comment
2014-06-13 16:13 · (0)
* Graham * tiaxgame I am also getting some issues on mobile browsers opera mobile/mini and ucbrowser on my mobiles do not refresh the chat frame after posting a message unless you manually refresh the page
please test and let me know if you are getting the same
2014-06-13 18:06 · (0)
* tiaxgame * Graham yes!
Opera mini: not sent comment
Ucbrowser: not auto reload
2014-06-14 00:52 · (0)

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