* TECRIDIBLE Hai experts and friends,,, http://tecridible.cf added with a scrolling text code it works in chrome and ucbrowser but it doesn't support on operamini and uc mini. needed a best code supports all browsers

<marquee behavior="scroll" align="middle" direction="left" bgcolor="#99FFFF" scrollamount="3" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"><a href="http://droidinfo.mobie.in/index/__xtblog_entry/11391924-se-computer-engineering-question-papers?__xtblog_block_id=1#xt_blog"> |Download Pune University Question Papers</a>| </marquee>
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2018-03-14 19:05 · (0)
* Graham * TECRIDIBLE the 'mini' browsers do not support scrolling text or animation by design
"Animation of any kind (including animated GIFs, animated SVG, or the <blink> or <marquee> elements) is not supported in Opera Mini because the server pre-renders the page and merely sends the client a snapshot of it."
2018-03-15 00:16 · (0)
* TECRIDIBLE * Graham is there any solution to solve this problem??? will JavaScript scrolling possible?
2018-03-15 16:54 (edited 2018-03-15 16:54 by TECRIDIBLE ) · (0)
* Graham * TECRIDIBLE nothing can be done the "mini" browsers just do not support it even anim gifs do not work on them nor any form of "dynamic javascript" because basically it is a "transcoder" that sends a static image of the site to the browser
2018-03-16 00:14 · (0)

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