* bemethavinci Hello folks, it remains few hours into new year 2018 and i haven't created nor start blogging which i have been battling for a while now. Straight to the point, do you think i can build a blog on this server Xtgem! With a well designed simple blog and been responsive. And still allow pop ups and floating ads on my blog? Do you think i can be successful on the server - XtGem! So i would like to hear from you guys with all your support and suggestions. Because i want to start this new year with something good.

Note - am a mobile user, and a die hard symbian user, using nokia e6 belle. And i dont plan to get an android unless for other things or whatsapp. Am comfortable using my low ended device. I dont need any BIG device. Just my mobile phone is ok for me. Thank you.
2017-12-31 10:58 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * bemethavinci If you don't mind having a blog entry limit of 500 entries per blog, then yes. You can have a very well designed blog/site with little effort because xtgem provides already made template for sites or blogs. And yes they're responsive.
2017-12-31 12:51 · (0)
* bemethavinci * VOLThor6 you mean like the total blog posts? And what about the pop ups and floating ads running around your blog?
2017-12-31 15:07 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * bemethavinci Yes total blog posts. And yes you can have pop ups and floating ads. Xtgem is very flexible and it gives you endless of possibilities if you are an advanced developer.
2017-12-31 15:36 · (0)
* bemethavinci * VOLThor6 i meant xtgem own ads on your site. Which is annoying and chase away visitors
2017-12-31 21:50 · (0)
* donwilliam * bemethavinci actually its not a problem.if your site is good and has quality content then people wont mind the ads.visit lindaikejisblog and youll be confronted with ads of all kinds yet visitors stay.xtgem users should stop complaining and focus on making quality sites and not copy and paste.
2017-12-31 22:53 · (0)
* bemethavinci * donwilliam You are 100% right about what you said. And also, am a mobile user.
2017-12-31 23:35 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * bemethavinci Yeah xtgem's ads are not as annoying as wapka's. Xtgem ads are mostly about blog posts from other xtgem users or about the forum.
2018-01-01 03:24 · (0)
* bemethavinci * VOLThor6 Thanks alot for your time and attention. Am cleared now, and the only issue now is when Xtgem server went down. Dont you think so?
2018-01-01 03:40 · (0)
* VOLThor6 * bemethavinci Yes, compared to other site builders xtgem is the one that has less server issues or errors in my opinion. Except for that one time.
2018-01-01 04:41 · (0)

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