* bemethavinci Hello folks, it remains few hours into new year 2018 and i haven't created nor start blogging which i have been battling for a while now. Straight to the point, do you think i can build a blog on this server Xtgem! With a well designed simple blog and been responsive. And still allow pop ups and floating ads on my blog? Do you think i can be successful on the server - XtGem! So i would like to hear from you guys with all your support and suggestions. Because i want to start this new year with something good.

Note - am a mobile user, and a die hard symbian user, using nokia e6 belle. And i dont plan to get an android unless for other things or whatsapp. Am comfortable using my low ended device. I dont need any BIG device. Just my mobile phone is ok for me. Thank you.
2017-12-31 10:58 · (0)

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