* Graham * Keyarn its buzzcity's script it will only work for buzzcity
I have no idea about ad scripts
2017-02-19 09:58 (edited 2017-02-19 10:00 by Graham ) · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham But can you elp me code anodat one with
http://wap4dollar.com/ad/serve.php?id=9zxsoiy497 and image src= http://wap4dollar.com/ad/imgs/wap4dollar_banner_6.jpg
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that will work exatly like dat of buzzycity?
2017-02-19 10:25 · (0)
* Graham * Keyarn surely wap4dollar supply their own javascript
as I said I have no idea about ad company code
2017-02-19 11:15 · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham Ok thanks sir. But plz sir i also av dis one
<script> var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myads");
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * x.length);
var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * x.length);
x[y].innerHTML = '\<div class=\"ad\"\>\<b\><div class="full" style="background:url(/B/Bg/download.png)"><table cellspacing="0px"><tr align="middle"><td align="left"><img src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/admin/Icons/ad.png" alt="**" class="ico" width="27px" height="30px" /></td><td align="left"><br/><a href="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/serve.php?id=9zxsoiy497"><img src="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/imgs/wap4dollar_banner_6.jpg" width="300" height="50" alt="" /></a></td></tr></table></div><hr style="border:1px dotted red;"/>\</b\>\</div\>';
x[z].innerHTML = '\<div class=\"ad\"\>\<b\><div class="full" style="background:url(/B/Bg/download.png)"><table cellspacing="0px"><tr align="middle"><td align="left"><img src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/admin/Icons/ad.png" alt="**" class="ico" width="27px" height="30px" /></td><td align="left"><br/><a href="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/serve.php?id=9zxsoiy497"><img src="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/imgs/wap4dollar_banner_3.jpg" alt="" /></a></td></tr></table></div><hr style="border:1px dotted red;"/>\</b\>\</div\>';

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and it is displaying only in one class named "myads" xo my question now is how will i duplicate the classes asin i want it to show in two or tree classes plz sir elp me
2017-02-19 14:33 · (0)
* Graham * Keyarn wrap it in a 'for' loop
<script> var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myads");
for (i=0;i < 2;i++){

although it could overwrite the same element
so think of the setting as a maximum
If you want it so there are always the same number of ads
<script> var ads = document.getElementsByClassName("my_ads");
for (i=0;i < 3;i++){
var ad = Math.floor(Math.random() * ads.length);
if (ads[ad].innerHTML==''){
ads[ad].innerHTML = 'the ad code goes here';

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If the ad has already been set it repeats the iteration by subtracting 1 from the loop count
2017-02-19 15:51 (edited 2017-02-19 16:27 by Graham ) · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham Ok thank you sir i understand this one it realy elp me
2017-02-19 23:39 · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham Plz sir how can i change dat wap4dollar img banner inside this script
<script> var x = document.getElementsByClassName("ads_pop_in");
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * x.length);
var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * x.length);
x[y].innerHTML = '\<div class=\"ad\"\>\<b\><div class="full" style="background:url(/B/Bg/download.png)"><table cellspacing="0px"><tr align="middle"><td align="left"><img src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/admin/Icons/ad.png" alt="**" class="ico" width="27px" height="30px" /></td><td align="left"><img src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/Admin/rating.gif" /><br/><a href="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/serve.php?id=9zxsoiy497"><img src="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/imgs/wap4dollar_banner_6.jpg" width="300" height="50" alt="" /></a></td></tr></table></div><hr style="border:1px dotted red;"/>\</b\>\</div\>';
x[z].innerHTML = '\<div class=\"ad\"\>\<b\><div class="full" style="background:url(/B/Bg/download.png)"><table cellspacing="0px"><tr align="middle"><td align="left"><img src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/admin/Icons/ad.png" alt="**" class="ico" width="27px" height="30px" /></td><td align="left"><img src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/admin/rating.gif" /><br/><a href="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/serve.php?id=9zxsoiy497"><img src="http://wap4dollar.com/ad/imgs/wap4dollar_banner_3.jpg" alt="" /></a></td></tr></table></div><hr style="border:1px dotted red;"/>\</b\>\</div\>';

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to this my js file
<script language="javascript" src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/Ads.js"></script></center></div></a>
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asin i want to use that my js file as the inner html because the wap4dollar img banner does not change that is why i want to chang but iam unable to do that due to that my Ads.js is also a script. Plz can you help me out?
2017-02-20 22:44 · (0)
* Graham * Keyarn A script inside a <a> tag inside a script I don't think that will work anyway
you could try turning Ads.js into a function that just returns the src of the image the rest of the html is the same anyway
strip out the html and wrap the whole contents of Ads.js in
function ads(){

return quotes[whichquote]
put <script language="javascript" src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/Ads.js"></script>
above this script and change the img src to src="'+ads()+'"

I have not tested it though
Also in Ads.js
calling the ad/serve.php as a background: in a style parameter ??? is that right anyway
isn't it meant to be a link ??? plus the () brackets are not closed either
I dunno :crazy:
2017-02-21 01:36 (edited 2017-02-21 02:01 by Graham ) · (0)
* Keyarn * Graham am confused, where am i to put function ads?. is it inside the Ads.js or in the 1st script i droped?
2017-02-21 04:14 · (0)
* Graham * Keyarn in Ads.js it only needs to return the random src for the image
Or you could just add the whole function to the top of the first script and don't bother with Ads.js at all
The array elements only need to hold the address of the images no html
The function is called in the first script as src="'+ads()+'" inside the wap4dollar ad links <img> tags
2017-02-21 05:07 (edited 2017-02-21 05:32 by Graham ) · (0)

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