* Graham * Keyarn A script inside a <a> tag inside a script I don't think that will work anyway
you could try turning Ads.js into a function that just returns the src of the image the rest of the html is the same anyway
strip out the html and wrap the whole contents of Ads.js in
function ads(){

return quotes[whichquote]
put <script language="javascript" src="http://keyarn.xtgem.com/Ads.js"></script>
above this script and change the img src to src="'+ads()+'"

I have not tested it though
Also in Ads.js
calling the ad/serve.php as a background: in a style parameter ??? is that right anyway
isn't it meant to be a link ??? plus the () brackets are not closed either
I dunno :crazy:
2017-02-21 10:36 (edited 2017-02-21 11:01 by Graham ) · (0)

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