I MAde a duplicate post in the wrong section ('Tips and code snippet'), but this kind of post should be here, 'Coding help'. Please delete that Moderator, sorry
Here is the code:
var $num = 0
if $num <= 9
print <a href="" class="random-game-$num"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title w3-text-grey" style="word-break:break-all"></span><div style="clear:both"></div></li></a>
var $num = $num+1
goto @loop_start
Copy code
But it's not working and the code markup showing error like this:
var $num = 0
if $num <
= 9
print <a
href="" class="random-game"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title w3-text-grey" style="word-break:break-all"></span><div style="clear:both"></div></li>
var $num = $num+1
goto @loop_start
Is there something wrong?
Disaru $num+1 must be in brackets ($num+1) or it gets treated as a string and you get '0+1' in the variable
As for the other the syntax highlighter does not like the < and treats it as an broken html tag error but it does not affect the actual operation of the code
I often start my code with #<? and end with #?> to switch off the highlighter
var $num = 0
if $num <= 9
print <a href="" class="random-game"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title w3-text-grey" style="word-break:break-all"></span><div style="clear:both"></div></li></a>
var $num = ($num+1)
goto @loop_start
Copy code
also <li> is only allowed in a <ul> or <ol> tag and your code may not do what you expect
nor should a <div> be inside an <a> tag
Graham Thank you, I have corrected my code. But I have new problem now
That code is placed on my "_footer" file to create sidebar menu. But oddly, the code not working only on homepage, but it work on another page. Here (check the Sidebar):
http://gratrik.xtgem.com - Not working, I even check the html source and yes it not printed.
But working and printed on another page:
Hmm... any idea sir?
Disaru Thats some complex code and without studying it I honestly have no idea
chrome devtools shows no obvious errors
Graham I know it's the xtscript problem, as why it's not printed only on homepage.
Basically using the code I want to create ten elements list with empty attribute, then I use JQuery to fill the attribute.
But now I have no option except changed the xtscript, and do it with old fashioned way like this LOL:
<a href="" class="random-game-0"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-1"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-2"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-3"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-4"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-5"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-6"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-7"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-8"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
<a href="" class="random-game-9"><li><img src="" class="w3-left thumbnail" width="96" height="96" alt="" /><span class="title" style="word-break:break-all"></span><br style="clear:both" /></li></a>
Copy code
The most important thing that, it worked
Disaru well as long as it works that's the main thing the actual amount of code sent to the browser is the same either way