In your sites settings you will now find "additional features" the first option to be added is
an optional 5mb upload limit
The payback for this is all downloads on your site will have an xtgem intermediate page (including files below 2mb)
you can reset the option back to 2mb at any time but files over 2mb will become unavailable
Graham I would like to see some examples

By the way, I have a report to tell, in the touch version, the main name for the setting category is "domain parking". See the screenshot..
TechnoSparks I'll pass on the touch template error tomorrow
The page is much the same as the "unknown source" page it is just that it will always appear even on your own site or if you direct link to the file from elsewhere
We will place ads on the download page to help offset the extra costs but the main purpose is to deter hot linking as the page includes a link to the original host site
Graham Okay to confirm,
If I am a premium user, will I still face the ads on my intermediate page?
If I enabled the setting and uploaded a 4MB file, after I disabled the settings again, will I lose that 4MB file (
automatic deletion), or it became inaccessible to the users behalf?
Please answer these
TechnoSparks If you are premium user, your visitors will not see ads, but we will count ad-free page-views where would show ads for non premium users.
If you enable this setting and upload bigger than 2MB file, after disabling this option file will not be deleted but it will be inaccessible for visitors.
i'm facing error with this new feature.
download is not working and showing message [color=FF0033]The file you requested is currently not
available to be downloaded.[/color]
I have enabled that.5 mb option .
TechnoSparks I want to advertise in xtgem. how?