* Graham * Chylin There are many ways to do this but this way requires the least actual code
1 create a folder called ads
2 in that folder create 2 plain text files(the names are unimportant and can be what ever you want)
3 in one file enter
<a href="http://freshreals.cf"><img src="http://freshwaparz.xtgem.com/image/20.png"/></a>
4 in the other file enter
<a href="http://inksport.cf"><img src="http://inksport.cf/logo.png"/></a>
5 on the page where you want to show the links create a code block and add this code
<div style="text-align:center"><xt:include file="/ads/*"></div>
Copy code

thats it
2017-11-27 00:36 (edited 2017-11-27 00:38 by Graham ) · (0)

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