* Graham * Mwebvendor yes that should work
there are a couple of things in the blog.twig as well
in view==entry
{% if data.post.tags %}<!--#{% for tag in data.post.tags %}{{ tag.name }}|{% endfor %}#-->{% endif %}
and the <!--related--> as the target for the xtscript to insert the posts
Also the related posts disappear when a comment is posted I think thats because of the extra parameters in the url after a comment is submitted That's part of what I want to work on
the xtscript is a little different from before too to allow for the extra parameters for date and description
and the var $tagged_post_list= blog function uses display="5"
also note the filter |replace({('$'):'\$',('('):'\('}) that is used in various places that is to make the output 'xtscript safe' it stops the xtscript from treating stuff like $100 as a variable and so that ( ) are not evaluated as maths by xtscripts parser
2017-05-07 03:34 (edited 2017-05-07 03:54 by Graham ) · (0)

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