* Graham * Waplocus Subdomains are both easy and tricky at the same time
see http://syntax.xtgem.com/manual/xtgem/default?func=subdomain

it is far easier to have the same html code and pages with different css using the media attribute of the link rel
@media queries in the css file

Xtgem actually has a built in method using the xt_touch class that requires you to be using xtgem_template.css as one of your css files to activate it
basically it works like this
.xt_touch .className {...} only applies to pc laptop and high end mobiles tablets etc
.className {...} applies to all devices
When you visit with a high end device the class xt_touch is applied to the body and any other classes can be referenced from that
2016-06-09 07:28 (edited 2016-06-09 13:08 by Graham ) · (0)

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