* Graham * admin_teGa This simple example search will take the first word of a query and filter the filelist to only show files that contain that word anywhere in the file name
Everything after a space in the query is ignored and trimmed off
The *.* in the filter means it will only list files with an extension so you do not need to put the extension in the query
get search
var $spc=call chr $val=32
var $first_space = call strpos $haystack=$search;$needle=$spc
if $first_space
var $search= call substr $val=$search;$start=0;$length=$first_space
<form action="<xt:url />" method="get">
  <input type="search" name="search" value="{_$$search|}" />
  <input type="submit" value="search" />
<xt:filelist sort_type="name" sort_dir="asc" folder="/files" template="" per_page="3" filter="*{_$$search|}*.*"/>

Copy code

this search would find the files in your examples from either query as it would find the word "bad" or "you" in the file name
2015-02-11 09:38 (edited 2015-02-11 12:19 by Graham ) · (0)

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