* Graham * GuruzLord it is just set as a background image from within the twig file it's available in the twig data arrary in set sizes up to 150px (16,32,64,128,150)
I use this tacked on to the twig to show the contents of the data array
{% if translate ('debug')=='1'%}<div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading">Debug Information</div><div class="panel-body">
_context twig global
<textarea class="form-control" style="height:10em;" >{{ _context|json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) }}</textarea>

Copy code
and then I set debug=1 on the forum translation file to toggle it
2017-04-11 12:20 (edited 2017-04-11 12:25 by Graham ) · (0)

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