* TechnoSparks * AH-SID You might have syntax error in your CSS code!
Remember to nest the url in quotes.

background: url("image.png");

However if you indeed have nested such URL, this might be the client fault too. Try to add repeat in your code.

.post { 
background: url("image.png") repeat; 

Copy code

if that still doesn't work, you can always divert to the long form,
background-repeat: repeat;
background-image: url("image");

Copy code

if that doesn't work too, just use the background-color as a fallback and try to relax. Think it this way; your CSS may not be showing in Opera Mini, however, newer phones might show it without problems :)

Posting a link would help :D
2014-06-17 08:34 (edited 2014-06-17 11:47 by TechnoSparks ) · (0)

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