* Graham * bemethavinci A large part of this will just be html and css
you can set up your css classes and html markup in tests outside of the twig
The actual content and values for the blog at are in a data object called 'data'
this data will change depending on the blog page
To see the contents of this object add this to the bottom of the twig and it will display the contents
to turn it on add 'dump' to the 't_no_entries_found' parameter in the blog function
{%if 'dump' in data.translations.t_no_entries_found%}
<textarea  style="width:100%;height:10em">{{ _context|json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) }}</textarea>

Copy code

Most of the twig code you need is already in the xtblog twig study it and the twig documentation
2017-02-18 14:32 (edited 2017-02-18 14:33 by Graham ) · (0)

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