* Pham_loi ex: replace from <font color="...">example test</font> to [color=...]example[/color]
2016-03-17 22:41 · (0)
* pichu * Pham_loi
{% set pichu %}<font color="{% endset %}
{% set pikachu %}">{% endset %}
{% set raichu %}</font>{% endset %}

Copy code
2016-03-18 03:15 (edited 2016-03-18 03:16 by pichu ) · (1)
* Graham * pichu The BBcode is parsed before the data is sent to twig so you would need to replace with html not bbcode
plus html in forum posts is passed through htmlspecialchars filter
2016-03-18 04:25 (edited 2016-03-18 04:32 by Graham ) · (1)
* tmyusuf BBCode is html code and past your BBCode and then paste HTML I think my process is working.
2016-03-22 00:24 · (1)
* basedtech * tmyusuf pls be given sample of url cos i try adding a logo image to my site bt aint displaying in the site surface bt while testing in the built tool, it display. realy want to style the it.
2016-03-28 03:12 · (0)
* YOUNGWEEZY * basedtech End the I con with .ico for it to take effect. Upload that link below @ http://youngweezy.cf/G.ico
2016-05-27 22:38 · (0)

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