* Diamondsky * Graham Pls help me diamondsky
2016-09-20 20:43
* * *
* Diamondsky.png · image/png · 17.37KB
* diamondsky.xtgem.com-1.jpg · image/jpeg · 11.36KB
* Diamond a.jpg · image/jpeg · 51.18KB
· (1)
* antonosuke how to remove hyphen (-) on file list name, file "234-jony-dom.mp4" i want on file list name "234 jony dom" , i using .file_name_base_parsed. just remove underscore (_) and remove file type.
2016-12-13 23:04 · (0)
* Graham * antonosuke
If your filelist is using xtscript you could use this
wrap the file_name_base_parsed in the template with ||
like this
This is just a demo set the rest of your template yourself
The script steps through the names and replaces - with a space and removes the ||
var $list=<xt:filelist folder="/files" template="&lt;span&gt;||.file_name_base_parsed.||&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br /&gt;" per_page="5"/>
var $spc=call chr $val=32
var $end=0
var $start=call strpos $haystack=$list;$needle=||;$offset=($end+2)
var $end=call strpos $haystack=$list;$needle=||;$offset=($start+2)
if $end
var $name=call substr $val=$list; $start=($start+2);$length=($end-$start-2)
var $new_name=call str_replace $subject=$name; $search=-;$replace=$spc
var $list=call str_replace $subject=$list; $search=||$name||;$replace=$new_name
goto @loop
print $list

Copy code
2016-12-13 23:23 (edited 2016-12-14 00:42 by Graham ) · (0)
* antonosuke * Graham Ooh yeaahh this is very helpful thank u master....
2016-12-15 07:30 · (0)
* antonosuke i need help again, can i change "__filelist_page=2" like this "page=2" how to change it, __filelist_page=2 too long
2016-12-15 07:39 (edited 2016-12-15 07:40 by antonosuke ) · (0)
* Graham * antonosuke That variable is used internally by xtgems parser so sorry but you cannot change it's name
2016-12-15 09:07 · (0)
* antonosuke * Graham oh okay...
i need help u Mr Graham, how to more filter file in filelist.
2016-12-15 13:37 (edited 2016-12-15 13:39 by antonosuke ) · (0)
* Graham * antonosuke
*.* = only show files that have an extension (also takes care of the 'index')
a*.* = only show files that start with 'a' and also have an extension (also takes care of the 'index')
*.png = only show files that have a .png extension (also takes care of the 'index')
2016-12-15 16:00 (edited 2016-12-15 16:02 by Graham ) · (0)
* antonosuke * Graham like this
btw i don't like sextgem, always redirect to http://eegoh7o.bid please delete script (^ _ ^)
2016-12-15 16:38 (edited 2016-12-15 16:40 by antonosuke ) · (0)
* Graham * antonosuke Yeah that will only show .png files
as for sextgem redirecting is this on your own site? pm me the site name and I will report it if it's a ad doing it that's wrong and should not be happening
2016-12-15 16:47 · (0)

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