antonosuke If your filelist is using xtscript you could use this
wrap the
file_name_base_parsed in the template with ||
like this
This is just a demo set the rest of your template yourself
The script steps through the names and replaces - with a space and removes the ||
var $list=<xt:filelist folder="/files" template="<span>||.file_name_base_parsed.||</span><br />" per_page="5"/>
var $spc=call chr $val=32
var $end=0
var $start=call strpos $haystack=$list;$needle=||;$offset=($end+2)
var $end=call strpos $haystack=$list;$needle=||;$offset=($start+2)
if $end
var $name=call substr $val=$list; $start=($start+2);$length=($end-$start-2)
var $new_name=call str_replace $subject=$name; $search=-;$replace=$spc
var $list=call str_replace $subject=$list; $search=||$name||;$replace=$new_name
goto @loop
print $list
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